Mission and Philosophy
Mission Statement
Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute exists to glorify God by providing an educational environment for developing men and women into balanced, discerning, and maturing Christian servants. These are people who have a fervent love for the Lord Jesus, a deep commitment to the Scriptures, clearly defined convictions based on Biblical authority, passion to serve, and a solid Biblical foundation for lifelong spiritual growth and service in reaching the world for Christ and equipping saints through local, fundamental, Baptist church based ministries.
Philosophy of Ministry

Educational Philosophy
Four key areas of study (Biblical, Theological, Ministry, and Practical) highlight the aim of Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute to instill a comprehensive, balanced, biblical, and theological Christian world view, provide skills for effective witness, and develop a mainstream fundamental Baptistic philosophy of ministry. We hold firmly to the fundamental view regarding the Bible in contrast to liberal, neo-orthodox, and neo-evangelical views.

Administrative Philosophy
EBBI is administrated through the shared initiatives, responsibility and partnership efforts of three groups: (1) The administrator, (2) the pastor, deacons and trustees of Emmanuel Baptist Church, and (3) an advisory committee made up of regional pastors and qualified businessmen from independent, fundamental Baptist churches of like faith and practice.

Financial Philosophy
EBBI practices and requires financial procedures based on the biblical model of responsible stewardship. Indebtedness is therefore discouraged. Integrity, accountability and transparency are considered normal, and are reflected in regular financial reports. The school also seeks to be a viable and charitable institution which is as cost effective as possible.

Ministry Principles
EBBI is a local church based ministry existing both to serve local churches as well as receive involvement, assistance, and support from local churches. It cannot operate outside of the mandate of local churches, nor will it subvert their independence.
Bible Versions
EBBI is an English language school, and has chosen to use the King James Version (also referred to as the Authorized Version) as the foundational text for all classes and chapels. Students are expected to bring their own copy to these.
Non-discriminatory Policy
EBBI admits students of any race, colour, & national or ethnic origin to all the privileges, programs, and activities available to its students.
Gender Distinctions
EBBI seeks to encourage and equip men and women for ministry. Most courses are open to both sexes since the information is useful to all, but only men are considered as pastoral candidates.