Financial Information
General Information
Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute intends to be as cost effective as possible. While it is imperative that this ministry be viable, accountable, and charitable, we also wish to keep it economical.                                                                          Â
EBBI is located within the facilities of Emmanuel Baptist Church, which serves to reduce operating costs. In addition, salaried positions and facility costs normally attached to such an institution are minimised by recruiting highly qualified men and women who are also currently in ministry in the region.
EBBI practices and requires financial procedures based on the biblical model of responsible stewardship. We manage the finances as a sacred trust and desire that all students learn to practice financial responsibility that limits or avoids indebtedness.Â
EBBI believes that financial indebtedness greatly hinders, restricts, or prohibits effective Christian service. It is, therefore, our policy to limit the amount of debt a student may incur while enrolled. Students that are unable to make their payments will be asked to withdraw until their accounts are current. Before diplomas, grades or transcripts are released, all bills must be paid.
Student Fees Per Semester
Registration/Matriculation Fee ................. $40.00
Tuition (11 credit hours or less) ………… $135.00/hour
Tuition (12 credits hours or more) ............ $1,620.00
Course auditing fee per credit hour .......... $65.00
Textbooks are sold through the Bookstore at special student prices.

Financial Aid
EBBI offers scholarships for returning students only.
Eligibility: Each student must exhibit good scholarship by maintaining a 3.0 overall grade point average (GPA), have a sincere desire to study the Scriptures in preparation for a life of service to the Lord, have a strong Christian Service record, have a record of exemplary conduct, and have financial need.
Selection: The scholarship recipients will be selected by the administration and trustees.
1. The Russell & Gertrude Porter Scholarship of $450 is assigned each year to two worthy students with financial need.
2. The Sinderson Missionary Scholarship of $200 is given to one student each year with a heart for missions.
3. The Dannenberg Missionary Scholarship of $200 is given to one student each year with a heart for missions.
4. The John & Marge Bell Scholarship of $500 is given to two students each year with a desire to obey the Great Commission.
Federal or Provincial Aid
Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute is a registered institution with the government of Canada. Students wishing to apply for federal or provincial aid should refer to the information at or call 1-800-667-5626. For the official designation code of EBBI, please enquire at the school office.
Students should also be aware that the province of New Brunswick has initiated a new program in 2005 to reward those who work in the province.
Community Employment
Although Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute is not obligated to find off-campus employment for students, every reasonable effort is made to refer students to contacts for employment.
Moncton is rated as one of the best communities for student employment in Eastern Canada.
Payment Requirements
Payments may be made in cash or by cheque. Cheques may be made out to
Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute, or abbreviated as EBBI.All application, registration and tuition fees are due at the beginning of the semester. Students who pay their bill in full during the first week of the semester will receive a $50.00 credit.
Room and Board fees are due every 4 weeks for a total of 4 times per semester.
If a student is unable to pay the full amount upfront they are required to pay one third of the semester’s bill in order to start classes. After 6 weeks the next 1/3 of their bill is due in order to continue taking classes. The final 1/3 is due by the end of the semester.
If a students bill is unpaid at the end of the semester they will not receive their credits and will be unable to continue their studies until the bill is paid.
Students must obtain approval from the Administrator if they want to extend any payment deadline based on an approved payment plan and extenuating circumstances.
Should a student decide to withdraw from the program prior to the end of a semester, the following refund applies:
Within the first week of classes 90%
Within the second week of classes 80%
Within the third week of classes 70%
Within the fourth week of classes 60%
Within the fifth week of classes 50%
Within the sixth week of classes 40%
Within the seventh week of classes 30%
Within the eighth week of classes 20%
Any withdrawal thereafter receives no refund.